When you risk two lives. Recommendations on the management of anticipated difficult airway in the obstetric patient.


  • Sonia Sánchez Solano Resident doctor 4th year. Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Severo Ochoa Hospital, Leganés, Spain.
  • Jose María De Miguel De Juanes Resident doctor 2nd year. Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Severo Ochoa Hospital, Leganés, Spain.
  • Juan José Correa Barrera Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Severo Ochoa Hospital, Leganés, Spain.
  • Mónica San Juan Álvarez Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Severo Ochoa Hospital, Leganés, Spain.




Pregnant, anticipated difficult airway, obstetric patient, pre-anesthetic evaluation


The difficult airway is a constant threat in the clinical practice of the anesthesiologist. To the already complex situation that this scenario supposes, the pregnant patient adds a new turn, due to the vital cost that an error supposes in these patients.

A continuous update in the field of the airway is essential, especially in the field of the obstetric patient where the actions on the airway have been progressively reduced over the last decades.

Knowing in depth the particular anatomical considerations of the obstetric patient, the recommendations of the different guides regarding this type of patient, and maintaining training and updating through simulated practice, are the best tools available to guarantee success in the population.



How to Cite

Sánchez Solano, S., De Miguel De Juanes, J. M., Correa Barrera, J. J. ., & San Juan Álvarez, M. (2023). When you risk two lives. Recommendations on the management of anticipated difficult airway in the obstetric patient. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 15(6). https://doi.org/10.30445/rear.v15i6.1087



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