The polysemy of Q. Cochran's Q.


  • Manuel Molina Gastroenterology Service La Paz University Children's Hospital, Madrid.



Meta-analysis, Heteronegeity, Cochran's Q, I2, H2


Cochran's Q is a widely used measure to detect heterogeneity between primary studies in a meta-analysis. Its statistical properties and hypothesis testing are reviewed. Finally, other measures calculated from this value are described, such as the I2 statistic and the H2 statistic, frequently used to quantify the intensity of heterogeneity between studies.

Author Biography

Manuel Molina, Gastroenterology Service La Paz University Children's Hospital, Madrid.

Especialista en Pediatrí­a y sus áreas Especí­ficas desde 1991. Actualmente ejerzo en el Servicio de Gastroenterologí­a del Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz, de Madrid.
Además, pertenezco al Grupo de Trabajo de Pediatrí­a Basada en la Evidencia, grupo compartido entre la Asociación Española de Pediatrí­a y la Asociación Española de Pediatrí­a de Atención Primaria.


- Between-study heterogeneity. En: Harrer M, Cuijpers P, Furukawa TA, Ebert DD, eds. Doing meta-analysis with R. A hands-on guide. CRC Press. Boca Ratón, Florida, 2022;139-71.

- Identifying and quantifying heterogeneity. En: Borenstein M, Hedges LV, Higgins JPT, Rothstein HR, eds. Introduction to meta-analysis. John Wiley & Sons. West Sussex, Reino Unido,2009; 107-26.



How to Cite

Molina, M. (2024). The polysemy of Q. Cochran’s Q. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 16(11).

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