Optimizing dosage regimens in critically ill patients with glomerular hyperfiltration


  • Luisa María Charco Roca Facultative Specialist in the Area of ​​Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care. Albacete University Hospital Complex. Spain.
  • Esther Domingo Chiva Optional Area Specialist. Hospital Pharmacy Service. University Hospital Complex of Albacete, Spain.
  • Elena Simón Polo Facultative Specialist in the Area of ​​Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care. Albacete University Hospital Complex. Spain.
  • Agustín Ortega Cerrato Nephrology Area Specialist Facultative. Albacete University Hospital Complex. Spain.




augmented renal clearance, critically ill, glomerular hyperfiltration


Glomerular hyperfiltration is a phenomenon defined by creatinine clearance greater than 130 ml / min / 1.72 m2. A very wide range of incidence has been described in critically ill patients. The use of conventional doses of renal elimination drugs in patients with glomerular hyperfiltration can cause therapy failure, with worse patient outcomes and increased costs. The purpose of this review is to provide an updated summary of the current evidence on glomerular hyperfiltration in critically ill patients. For the preparation of this document, a non-systematic review of articles indexed in MEDLINE (PubMed) of the last twenty years has been carried out, updated in December 2019, using the keywords “augmented renal clearance”, “critically ill”, "Glomerular hyperfiltration", "hyperfiltration" and "creatinine clearance".


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How to Cite

Charco Roca, L. M., Domingo Chiva, E., Simón Polo, E., & Ortega Cerrato, A. (2022). Optimizing dosage regimens in critically ill patients with glomerular hyperfiltration. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.30445/rear.v14i2.980

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