Approximatting glomerular filtration in critical patients, are we continuing to use estimation formulas based on serum creatine?


  • Luisa Maria Charco Roca Facultative Specialist in the Area of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care. Albacete University Hospital Complex. Albacete, Spain.
  • Beatriz Carretero de la Encarnación Facultative Specialist in the Area of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care. Albacete University Hospital Complex. Albacete, Spain.



glomerular filtration, acute renal failure, critical patient


Acute kidney failure is a problem in the critical care setting with a high frequency of appearance. Evaluating the glomerular filtration rate is necessary to make dosage adjustments for patients with impaired renal function. Serum creatinine and the estimated glomerular filtration rate are used to approximate the glomerular filtration in stable patients. We reviewed the CockCroft-Gault equation, MDRD, and CKD-EPI. These equations require that the serum creatinine concentration be stable and therefore cannot be used to assess renal function in the intensive care unit. We recommend continuous renal function monitoring and a determination of creatinine clearance in urine to adjust dosage in critically ill patients.


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Herrera-Gutierrez ME, Seller-Perez G, Banderas-Bravo E, Muñoz-Bono J, Lebrón-Gallardo M, Fernández-Ortega J. Replacement of 24-hcreatinineclearance by 2-h creatinine clearance in intensive care unit patients: A single center study. Intensive CareMed.2007;33:1900–6.



How to Cite

Charco Roca, L. M., & Carretero de la Encarnación, B. (2022). Approximatting glomerular filtration in critical patients, are we continuing to use estimation formulas based on serum creatine?. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 13(12).

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