Acute pulmonary edema in a patient with left atrial mass. What can we expect to find in a transthoracic cardiac echography?


  • Yasmina González Marín Resident doctor. Resuscitation and Therapeutics of pain. Cáceres University Hospital, Spain.
  • Fernando Sánchez Espinosa Associate physician specialized in Anesthesiology and resuscitation. Badajoz. University Hospital, Spain.
  • Ana Isabel García Gutiérrez Associate physician Cardiovascular Surgery. Badajoz University Hospital, Spain.
  • Juan Manuel Redondo Enríquez Associate Physician. Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Cáceres University Hospital, Spain.



Myxoma, transesophageal echocardiography, echocardiographyhemodynamics


Primary cardiac tumors are a rare entity. Much more common are tumor metastases: breast, lung, soft tissue sarcomas, melanoma, leukemia and lymphomas. 75% of these are of benign lineage and, among them, the atrial myxoma is the most common, presenting around 50%, with greater prevalence in women aged 13 to 80 years. They are located in the left atrium in three quarters of the time. Its symptoms are varied, from asymptomatic patients to those who have had embolism, syncope, arrhythmia, heart failure, asthenia or anorexia among others.

We present the clinical case of a patient who undergoes surgery of the left atrial myxoma and the anesthetic management necessary to address this surgery.


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How to Cite

González Marín, Y., Sánchez Espinosa, F., García Gutiérrez, A. I., & Redondo Enríquez, J. M. (2020). Acute pulmonary edema in a patient with left atrial mass. What can we expect to find in a transthoracic cardiac echography?. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 12(10).

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