Epidural Analgesia in pregant woman with type V Glycogenosis and Multiple Sclerosis


  • Carlos Eduardo Blanco Becerra Anesthetist, attached to the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service of the Valdepeñas Hospital. Ciudad Real
  • Marta Pérez Prieto Anesthetist, attached to the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service of the Valdepeñas Hospital. Ciudad Real
  • María José Robledo Rodríguez Anesthetist, Assistant and Head of the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Service at the Valdepeñas Hospital. Ciudad Real




Glycogenosis type V, Multiple Sclerosis, Epidural analgesia


Glycogenosis type V, also known as McArdle disease, is caused by a deficiency in the muscle glycogen phosphorylase enzyme, whose function is to initiate the breakdown of glycogen by phosphorylating α 1-4 glucosyl residues, obtaining as a product of said reaction obtaining glucose 1-phosphate. Multiple sclerosis is a pathology of indeterminate etiology in which different etiological hypotheses are involved, causing affectations in the central nervous system that are usually progressive and random. The case of a 35-year-old primiparous woman with both diagnoses is presented. Autoimmune pathologies that represent a challenge for the anesthetist and the medical team, due to their low prevalence and the lack of studies or experiences in the surgical field that allow us to identify the possible consequences derived from anesthetic and obstetric interventions.


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How to Cite

Blanco Becerra, C. E., Pérez Prieto, M., & Robledo Rodríguez, M. J. (2024). Epidural Analgesia in pregant woman with type V Glycogenosis and Multiple Sclerosis. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 16(9). https://doi.org/10.30445/rear.v16i9.1251