Takotsubo syndrome after trauma requiring urgent surgery
Takotsubo Syndrome, TTS, Broken heart syndrome, Stress, CardiomiopathyAbstract
Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is a stress cardiomyopathy affecting more frequently postmenopausal women after a physical or emotional trigger. It presents with similar symptoms to acute coronary syndrome as well as elevation of cardiac biomarkers and abnormalities in electrocardiogram.
Diagnosis is based on ‘InterTAK Diagnostic Criteria’ established in 2018, with the fundamental finding of temporary wall motion abnormality of the left ventricle, typically without coronary pathology (although this does not exclude the diagnosis) and early reversibility of the condition.
Treatment is not clearly defined so it will include life support measures and prevention of life-threatening complications.
In the recent past years there has been an increase in the description of this syndrome in sanitary environments, which most likely suggests an infradetection. Perioperative period might provide a perfect scenario for its occurrence due to the implication of surgical stress and hence the anesthesiologist will be key in its diagnosis and management.
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