Airway management in muscular dystrophy - Intubation and extubation; Presentation of a clinical case


  • Héctor Martínez Villegas Anesthesiology Treating Physician at the Eugenio Espejo Specialties Hospital in Quito- Ecuador.
  • Pablo Martínez Santamaría Anesthesiology Treating Physician at the Baca Ortiz Children's Hospital in Quito-Ecuador



Neuromuscular Diseases, intubation, Extubation


Neuromuscular Diseases (NMD) are a group of very heterogeneous nosological entities characterized by a primary or secondary alteration of the musculoskeletal cell.

Peripheral nervous system or neuromuscular diseases present with varied symptoms, such as muscle weakness, pain, loss of sensation, difficulty walking, musculoskeletal alterations in the upper airway that can impede adequate ventilation, some diseases can also affect the functioning of the respiratory and even cardiac systems, the subject may require assisted respiration and life support. Even without the need to face a planned surgical procedure, as a consequence, they cause physical disability and demand specialized medical attention.


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How to Cite

Martínez Villegas, H., & Martínez Santamaría, P. (2022). Airway management in muscular dystrophy - Intubation and extubation; Presentation of a clinical case. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 14(10).