Ethical considerations in organ transplantation.


  • Andrea Marquina Pérez Medicine resident of Anesthesiology at Hospital Universitario de Getafe.
  • Elena San Juan Medicine resident of Anesthesiology at Hospital Universitario de Getafe.
  • Almudena Baños Medicine resident of Anesthesiology at Hospital Universitario de Getafe.
  • Marisa Mariscal Head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service Section of the Getafe University Hospital, Spain.



Brain death, trasplantation, donor, medical ethics


Brain death and organ transplantation are concepts that may create doubts among the scientific community and involves personal and medical difficulties to solve and complex situations to deal with. The lack of a definition much of the terms around these concepts complicates the consecution of a consensus in decision making and provoque a constant evolution in determination of their limits through time and places. This article makes a little summary of the concepts related to organ trasplantation and donation, to review brain death diagnostic criteria and to expose some potential ethical conflicts that may appear in these medical situations. 

For the preparation of this review article it has been done a research within platforms UptoDate and PubMed of the papers and sistematic reviews published during the last twenty years in English and Spanish with the key words: brain death, trasplantation, donation and ethics. 


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How to Cite

Marquina Pérez, A., San Juan, E., Baños, A., & Mariscal, M. (2021). Ethical considerations in organ transplantation. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 13(9).

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