Why publish in AnestesiaR/ReAR?

The Revista Electrónica de AnestesiaR (ReAR) belongs to the Anestesiar.org 2.0 platform, a world leader in its sector in the Spanish language. The Electronic Journal is registered with the National Library of Spain (BNE) and the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD) with ISNN 1989-4090

The Revista Electrónica de AnestesiaR is open to all readers via the open source solution OJS (Open Journal System). AnesthesiaR and ReAR receive more than 150,000 monthly visits, which represents a good opportunity for professional development for young researchers.

The Revista Electrónica de AnestesiaR is catalogued and indexed in the Spanish Website Archive managed by the BNE, in the BNE itself, in ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources) and in the OCLC database Worldcat.org, the European database OpenAIRE, the PKP Index, RedIB, DOAJ and LATINDEX. The journal assigns an individual DOI to each article with the prefix 10.30445, corresponding to its registration via mEDRA (Multilingual European Registration Agency of DOI).

AnestesiaR is a non-profit organization and the Revista Electrónica de AnestesiaR does not charge authors a fee to submit their manuscripts, nor does it require payment for published articles.