Correction factor in volume of transfusion equation, in pediatric patient anemic but not bleeding


  • Rubén Ferreras Vega FEA. Anestesia y Reanimación pediátrica. Hospital 12 de Octubre. Madrid.
  • María Dolores Méndez Marín FEA,adjunto al servicio de anestesia pediatrica del H.U 12 Octubre. Madrid.
  • Ángel Jerez Matas FEA, adjunto al servicio de anestesia pediatrica del H.U 12 Octubre. Madrid.
  • Óscar Valencia Orgaz FEA adjunto servicio anestesia H.U 12 Octubre. Madrid.



blood volumen transfusion, volumen transfusion, transfusion factor, ecuation, transfusion, pediatric , pediatric transfusion formula


In order to avoid complications, for the calculation of the transfusion volume of red blood cells in pediatrics, the use of formulas is common. However, this practice is not unified and there is no evidence to recommend a particularly correction factor.

This review aims to assess the use of these formulas to calculate red cell concentrates volume to be transfused in non-bleeding pediatric patient.


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How to Cite

Ferreras Vega, R., Méndez Marín, M. D., Jerez Matas, Ángel, & Valencia Orgaz, Óscar. (2020). Correction factor in volume of transfusion equation, in pediatric patient anemic but not bleeding. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 11(8), 4.

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