Percy Fawcett and the Lost City. False discovery rate.


  • Manuel Molina Gastroenterology Service La Paz University Children's Hospital, Madrid.



multiple comparisons, false positive, type 1 error, false discovery rate, Benjamini-Hochberg method


When multiple hypothesis tests are performed, the probability of committing a type 1 error increases, increasing the risk of detecting false positive effects.

The false discovery rate allows to limit the probability of type 1 error when the number of contrasts is very high, also allowing to control the risk of making type 2 errors and failing to detect true positives.

Author Biography

Manuel Molina, Gastroenterology Service La Paz University Children's Hospital, Madrid.

Especialista en Pediatrí­a y sus áreas Especí­ficas desde 1991. Actualmente ejerzo en el Servicio de Gastroenterologí­a del Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz, de Madrid.
Además, pertenezco al Grupo de Trabajo de Pediatrí­a Basada en la Evidencia, grupo compartido entre la Asociación Española de Pediatrí­a y la Asociación Española de Pediatrí­a de Atención Primaria.


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How to Cite

Molina, M. (2025). Percy Fawcett and the Lost City. False discovery rate. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 17(2).

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