The art of renunciation. Precision enrichment ratio.


  • Manuel Molina Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz, de Madrid.



multiple logistic regression, diagnostic tests, precision enrichment ratio


The procedure for choosing the cut-off point of the probability value provided by a model to establish the positive or negative threshold of a diagnostic test is reviewed. To decide this threshold, which is influenced by the characteristics of the model and the clinical scenario in which it will be applied, we will take into account the sensitivity and precision of the test for each possible cut-off point. The precision enrichment ratio will be useful in cases with a large imbalance between the two diagnostic categories.

Author Biography

Manuel Molina, Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz, de Madrid.

Especialista en Pediatrí­a y sus áreas Especí­ficas desde 1991. Actualmente ejerzo en el Servicio de Gastroenterologí­a del Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz, de Madrid.
Además, pertenezco al Grupo de Trabajo de Pediatrí­a Basada en la Evidencia, grupo compartido entre la Asociación Española de Pediatrí­a y la Asociación Española de Pediatrí­a de Atención Primaria.


- Assessment of diagnostic tests. En: Palmas WR, ed. Pocket evidence based medicine. A survival guide for clinicians and students. Springer. NY, 2023; 15-33.

- Linear and logistic regression. En: Zumel N, Mount J, eds. Practical Data Science with R, 2ª ed. Manning Publications Co. Shelter Island, NY, 2020;215-73.



How to Cite

Molina, M. (2024). The art of renunciation. Precision enrichment ratio. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 16(8).

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