

  • Laura Martín González-Zaera Resident of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service of the Getafe University Hospital. Madrid. Spain
  • Álvaro Landeras López Resident of the General Surgery and Digestive System Department of the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital. Madrid. Spain
  • Enrique Roca Castillo Associate of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service of the Getafe University Hospital. Madrid. Spain




Modern hepatic surgery is based on the vascular division of the liver. It is crucial to understand the differences between morphological anatomy (external appearance) and functional anatomy (division by segments based on vascularisation). Moreover, it is key to control intraoperative bleeding, both by surgical manoeuvres (Pringle) and by controlling central venous pressure.


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How to Cite

Martín González-Zaera, L., Landeras López, Álvaro ., & Roca Castillo, E. . (2025). Hepatectomy. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.30445/rear.v17i2.1221

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