Pancreatectomy: Cephalic duodenopancreatectomy. Whipple´s technique

Duodenopancreatectomía cefálica. Técnica de Whipple


  • Coral Castell Jimeno Médico residente Anestesiología HU Getafe
  • Sergio Madueño González Specialist in Anesthesiology HU Getafe
  • Felipe de Jesús Muriedas Alfonso Specialist in Anesthesiology HU Getafe



pancreatectomía, anestesia, opioides


Pancreatic surgery is a challenge for the anaesthetist and surgeon, due to the complexity of the technique, the anatomical position of the organ and the haemodynamic lability of the patient.

To optimise our work, we will perform an opioid-free anaesthesia, emphasising regional techniques and peripheral blocks for a more exhaustive pain control and a quicker recovery.

For proper resuscitation we will use invasive monitoring to achieve a fluid balance close to zero.

It is part of our profession to anticipate complications and critical situations that may arise in the operating theatre. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor our patient and to have previously carried out a good pre-anaesthesia consultation in order to know the baseline situation prior to the intervention. With this, we can optimise the patient's needs and improve their recovery, reducing the length of hospital stay.


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- Aristizábal J, Estrada J, Hoyos C, Dávila D, Palacios Ó, Sánchez P. Análisis de complicaciones después de protocolos ERAS para cirugía con procedimiento Whipple. Rev Colomb Anestesiol. 2019;47(4):219-225. Available from:



How to Cite

Castell Jimeno, C., Madueño González, S., & Muriedas Alfonso, F. de J. (2024). Pancreatectomy: Cephalic duodenopancreatectomy. Whipple´s technique: Duodenopancreatectomía cefálica. Técnica de Whipple . Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 16(6).