Tracheal occlusion by bronchial blocker during thoracic surgery in a 1-year-old patient


  • Gonzalo Angulo Cardoso Fourth year resident of the Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine UDELAR. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Ignacio Coutinho Anesthesiologist, Assistant of the Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine UDELAR. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Federico Cristianini Anesthesiologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, UDELAR School of Medicine, Coordinator of the Pediatric Anesthesia Teaching Unit of the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center. Montevideo, Uruguay.



single lung ventilation, pediatrics, bronchial blockers


Single-lung ventilation in pediatric patients is complex, since the anatomical and physiological characteristics of this age group make them prone to hypoxemia. On the other hand, there are fewer tools than in adults when performing lung isolation. The use of bronchial blockers is one of the techniques used to perform lung isolation in infants. Herniation of the bronchial blocker into the trachea is a common problem that can cause multiple complications. His prompt diagnosis and treatment prevented major complications.


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How to Cite

Angulo Cardoso, G., Coutinho, I., & Cristianini, F. (2024). Tracheal occlusion by bronchial blocker during thoracic surgery in a 1-year-old patient. Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR, 16(7).