About ReAR

Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR (ReAR) belongs to the Anestesiar.org 2.0 platform, a world leader in its sector in the Spanish language. The Electronic Journal is registered with the National Library of Spain (BNE) and the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD) with ISSN 1989-4090. It publishes a selection of articles in an academic format, which are peer-reviewed and meet publishing standards. Publication of the journal is dependent upon comments, critique and analysis from the whole community via the AnestesiaR website.


To foster, stimulate and protect up-to-date knowledge about the science relating to anaesthesiology, critical care, emergency medicine and pain management. To promote medical knowledge based on evidence, biostatistics and critical review of scientific publications.

To develop links between anaesthesiologists and other medical specialties with an interest in anaesthesiology, critical care, emergency medicine and pain management.

To assist professionals working in the areas of anaesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medicine, etc. to improve the medical care provided in hospitals.

To contribute to the dissemination of information of public interest relating to anaesthesiology, critical care, emergency medicine and pain management.

Indexing information

The AnestesiaR Electronic Journal is catalogued and indexed in the Spanish Website Archive managed by the BNE, in the BNE itself, in ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources) and in the OCLC database Worldcat.org, the European database OpenAIRE, the PKP Index, RedIB, DOAJ, LATINDEX and Dialnet. The journal assigns an individual DOI to each article with the prefix 10.30445, corresponding to its registration via mEDRA (Multilingual European Registration Agency of DOI).

Funding and Advertising policy

Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR is produced by a group of medical professionals who act in an altruistic, independent manner to coordinate and create content. The Asociación Anestesia Reanimación España is a non-profit organization. The costs generated by the editorial process itself (servers, network storage, computer maintenance and technical secretariat) are fed by the income derived from the inclusion of selected advertising on its web platforms.

Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR does not charge authors a fee to submit their manuscripts, nor does it require payment for published articles.

Advertising: The advertisements that AnestesiaR includes on its platforms will always be related to the contents of AnestesiaR. The advertising policy is available through the email secretaria.técnica@anestesiar.org. 

-All advertisements are subject to approval of the publisher or editor. Decisions regarding the acceptance of advertisements and whether they are related to the content or behavior of readers (online) are made by the editorial board of AnestesiaR

-Advertising is separate from content. Advertising will be clearly distinguishable from editorial content. Advertisers and sponsors should have no advance knowledge of our editorial content, nor should the editors shape content to accommodate advertising. Advertisers do not influence any of the publishers’ editorial decisions or advertising policies.

-The appearance of an advertisement in the Revista Electrónica de AnestesiaR is neither a guarantee nor an endorsement of the given product, service, company.

- Advertisers have no control or influence over the results of searches a user may conduct on the publisher’s journal. 

- The publisher is not responsible for any damages, including but not limited to actual, direct, incidental, or consequential damages, for errors in displaying an advertisement.

- Any use of publication trademarks or copyrighted material for links to and from the website must be approved, in advance, by the publisher. Any such unauthorized linking is prohibited.

- The publisher does not release personally identifiable data on the users of our websites or email service to advertisers.

Process for Handling Cases Requiring Corrections, Retractions, and Editorial Expressions of Concern

Honest errors in post-publication materials, although carefully screened for, are unavoidable. When an error is found, an immediate correction or retraction must be published. An immediate correction includes an announcement by the Editor-in-Chief to the Journal’s participants and an immediate replacement of the affected article. All versions of the article, pre- and postpublication are archived electronically and are available to participants at their request.
If a participant raises a concern about the article after the article is published, the Editor-in-Chief will evaluate that concern. If the concern is found to be a compelling concern, the Editor-in-Chief will communicate the correction to the participants by posting a letter on AnestesiaR website.

Open Access Journal

Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR is open to all readers via the open source solution OJS (Open Journal System). Revista Electrónica AnestesiaR is, therefore, an Open Access Journal.


Revista Elecrónica AnestesiaR holds a    by Revista Electrónica de AnestesiaR Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License. Articles plagiarised from other sources and articles whose authorship and rights do not belong to the authors submitting them will not be accepted.

Publication of articles in the journal is subject to peer review. Both reviewers and authors will remain anonymous throughout the review process.
The AnestesiaR Electronic Journal belongs to the Spanish Anaesthesia and Reanimation Association (AnestesiaR), a non-profit organisation declared of public interest by Madrid City Council which is listed under number 592,532 on the National Associations Register, Group 1, Section 1.